Friday and the Week ending
Everything ends
Weeks end
Life ends
Relationships end,
either by death
or parting
Tomato season ends
Winter ends
Summer ends
This blog
entry ends
I bet you knew that,
and breathing in,
that ends,
breathing out,
that ends,
Someone says something to us.
What about a pause.
A breathing.
An opening.
What if we spoke and responded from emptiness,
rather than the old chatter tapes.
Ah, wouldn't that be interesting.
Giving life
our minds
our lives
a pause
some space
after one thing
and the next begins
And what, to do with yoga, weight loss, tai chi,
and health,
has this to do?
Actually a lot,
and I'll pause
and maybe you will, too,
and then you can pursue how yoga and stop pause
tai chi and stop pause
health and stop pause
even weight loss (take a bit, and stop pause)
can be great and wonderful
to improve the sweetness
and now-ness
in your life.