Monday, January 22, 2007


To be human is to have all sorts of choices and chances. Choices to hold grudges or choices to forgive. At a concert tonight, John McCutcheon quoted his father in law as saying that the hatred we hold for other people is like poisoning ourselves and expecting that to hurt the other person.

If we want to be well and healthy, this is a must: to find anyone and everyone that we are having trouble, and forgiving them.

For our sake.

And for theirs.

If we don’t have the generosity to want someone else to feel better, even the rats and assholes, then we aren’t going to have the generosity to want the less well parts of us to heal and be happy again.

What other choices:

To be happy or not to be happy.

To be present or not to be present.

This is a lot. We have amazing choices.

To learn, or to stay in our ruts. Isn’t that great, all our choices?

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