Monday, February 26, 2007

What is Wake Up Feldenkrais?

In Wake Up Feldenkrais,
I add
to the Feldenkrais Way
my knowledge and skills in the fields of
human learning,
group and family communication,
ecology of systems,
and general processes of change,
to include the transformation of
poor to fair,
fair to good,
good to great,
and great to greater,
in which people wish to change.
any pathway,
via which people wish to
improve and make their
life more wonderful.

    This could be organizing
  • a change in a business,

  • clearing up a decades' old family issue,

  • assisting people in losing weight

  • or achieving life goals,

  • organizing land on Permaculture principles,

  • fascilitating businesses and groups
    and families
    and parent/ child relationships
    to be happier,
    more creative and functional together,

  • assisting people in admitting and defining new and sweeter life goals,

  • and just old fashioned: being happier.

  • And the somewhat esoteric:
    being more present and awake to our lives.

And now:

This is available as personally designed programs
to meet your needs and the needs of your organization.
It could include clearing up old family issues,
becoming happier with your weight,
learning to discover how to reinvent yourself for the next part of your life,
building teams that function happily and organically
(in the growing, and changing and adapting sense of the word),
to "simply" discovering how to
be happier
more creative
in your ongoing life.
This work with always include elements of my passions:
the Feldenkrais Method,
the work of Byron Katie
(and other amazing communication tools),
and team building creativity work,
connection to nature.

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