Photo: R. Dale
Sometimes children need help in their learning.
The may have been born with a neurological issue, such as cerebral palsy or a stroke, or brachial plexus. There can be complications in utero or at birth. All sorts of traumas can occur.
For these neurological issues, as well as children with "ordinary" learning challenges (as in reading and math and social adjustment and co-ordination) the Feldenkrais Method, especially the method as refined in the Anat Baniel Method for Children, is the supreme way on this Earth of helping these children.
This is because in these methods, we recreate the natural pathways of learning
and wake up the brain to its possibilities of change and
learning and improvement in a way that no amount of physical therapy or surgery ever can do.
View videos of Anat's work with three children. This shows work over a period of time and you can see with your eyes the marvelous/miraculous changes the children undergo.
Try this:
( Not always available, since huge popularity uses up bandwidth.
Try later. Or purchase via Three Children DVD.)
As you can read in the four links recommended below, this work is about learning, and anyone, a child with cerebral palsy and the best violin player in the world, can both learn ways to improve and move with greater ease and grace and enjoyment.
It is our human birthright: to be happy, to be present,
to be learning and enjoying ourselves
in greater and greater degrees.
This work, for a child with learning difficulties,
is the fresh drink they have been desperate for all their lives.
They are not pushed, or prodded, or force to "do it right."
They are not "fixed," or moved in ungentle ways.
They are given small pieces of real and immediately felt learning
(inner and organic "learning,"
not the imposed kind that gives "learning" a bad sound to many children, and adults)
and they begin to renew and change almost before our eyes.
- Children with special needs by Anat Baniel.
- NEW Possibilities: a revolutionary approach for transforming the lives of children with special needs. .
1) Anat Baniel is the world premier educator/ healer in this field:
2) This new article, which you can retrieve as a pdf, is superb. Written by Anat for the December 2006 issue of Bodywork and Massage Magazine, it is called:
It's wonderful. Please take advantage of it.
And two by me:
Sometimes children are "simply" having a hard time learning in school. Whether the "issue" is reading or math or social adjustment or functioning athletically, the work I offer can link mind/ brain/ body learning and accelerate not only learning but a delight in life. The goal and the pathway of this work is to spark interest in life and learning and self-appreciation and joy. All of this adds up to improvement plus MORE JOY AND MORE SELF-LOVE.
See my section on tutoring, which is the glory and art of
and cultivating
and expanding
every child, or adult,
to be more of what they really wish to be.
Whole Person Coaching and Tutoring
These sessions turn out to be hugely beneficial for the parents, too, should they care to delight in their own learning and enhancement.
I also offer lessons in a one to one format called Functional Integration®.
Anat Baniel demonstrating the hands on transformative work.
Photo: Josie Davenport,
In these lessons, you lie, fully clothed, on a comfortable and firm low table while you are moved with extreme gentleness and precision.
Classmate doing the work.
Photo: Josie Davenport,
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